about the artist


keith maxwell


Born in 1958 in Chillicothe, Ohio, Keith Maxwell’s earliest memories involve art.  He could often be found drawing endless scenes on long rolls of paper, with only a pencil during free time at school, recess or at home.  Today he does commissioned artwork, motivated from his travels, his native homeland in the Midwest and his current residence in Charleston, South Carolina.

Keith’s road to an art career was not direct, as circumstances led him to a long successful Operations career in the paper industry.  During the past several years Keith has been able to return to his love of the arts.  While he primarily works in oils with a focus on plein air, he works in all mediums including sculpting as the mood arises. Keith currently spends the majority of his time working on commission only.

Keith’s painting explorations have included the U.S., Central America, Europe, the Middle and Far East, and the Islands of the Caribbean.  He is especially proud of having been mentored under the tutelage of fine artist William Jameson. Enjoy the work of William Jameson at his website www.williamjameson.com.





©2017 Keith Maxwell.  All rights reserved.